Seller’s FAQ’s

Looking to sell a property in Harrow-on-the-Hill or within Harrow? Take a look at our FAQs below answering the most frequently asked questions by sellers. If you need any further information, please get in touch with our friendly team today on 0208 864 8844 or try one of our valuation services here.

I want to sell my property. What’s the first step?

How much will it cost to sell my property?

How will my property be marketed?

Who conducts the viewings, and how do they work?

Do I need an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)?

How long does it take to complete a sale?

Will I need a conveyancer?

What is the exchange of contracts?

What happens at sale completion?

Do I have to pay Capital Gains Tax?

Do I have to pay Stamp Duty?

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